The National Indicator Features

  • Continuous quarterly market monitor amongst 3,300 household pan-Nigeria.
  • Covers 18 urban and 36 rural areas.
  • Flexible quota allocation allows additional 50 special incidences sample at each Urban location, if required e.g. Office equipment/ Reprographics.
  • Country divided into 4 main regions viz; West, East, North-West, North Central.
  • Quota for each region proportional to the percentage represented by that area in total population.
  • Booster sample allowed if minimum usage targets not achieved after random sampling.


  • Useful for market size estimations.
  • Determining emerging trends and analyzing them accordingly through benefit
  • of results comparison across the checks.
  • Multi-client sponsorship makes unit cost per client considerably cheaper.
  • Capturing low incidence/minority groups due to large sample size contacted randomly.
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Our capacity is Pan Nigeria, covering urban, semi-urban and rural areas.
